Feedback reports in teacher assignment

Enhancing teacher allocation in Latin American education systems

Reduce information biases.  Promote educational continuity and access to higher education.

Our experience with
feedback reports for teachers

During 2021, in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), we developed and implemented feedback strategies for teachers applying to
 centralized selection competitions in Ecuador 
(Quiero Ser Maestro-IB and Quiero Ser Maestro-7).

In order to make an optimal allocation of teachers to available vacancies in educational institutions in QSM-IB and QSM-7, we send reports with recommendations on application to some teachers by SMS and WhatsApp.

The reports included a non-assignment risk alert and recommended programs where they could be assigned with a higher probability. The timing of the intervention allowed teachers to modify their application to maximize their options. The project also aimed to increase teachers' satisfaction with the offers received.

& collaborations

The impact evaluation of these interventions shows that there is a 37% increase in the probability of teacher assignment due to the recommendations. In addition, the average score of selected teachers goes up and more vacancies are filled. Showing to be an effective policy to select more and better teachers for public schools.

In alliance with IDB, we conducted a cost-effectiveness study of digitizing and centralizing the application and assignment of teachers.

Participating institutions

Ministerio de Educación Ecuador
Quiero Ser Maestro Intercultural Bilingue
Quiero Ser Maestro 7