cōnsilium n
(genitive cōnsiliī or cōnsilī);

counsel, advice


(computing) A piece of software designed to perform a minor but repetitive task automatically or on command, especially when operating with the appearance of a (human) user profile or account.

Decidiendo para un Futuro Mejor

What we do

ConsiliumBots works with local governments to design and implement AI bots to help families get access to important services, while connecting researchers and policymakers to promote evidence-based social policies.

The tools we have developed

—Share these 3 objetives


Support governments in designing, building, implementing, and monitoring informational systems.


Empower families and students with personalized assistance and ease access to data to make informed decisions in education and other social impact fields.


Generate rich databases and connect researchers and policymakers to promote evidence-based social policies.

—Can be categorized into these 5 types of projects

Centralized School Admission

Support governments in designing, building, and implementing Centralized School Choice and Admission Systems, to increase transparency, equity and effectiveness in access to the crucial motor for development: education.
ConsiliumBots builts smart platforms to implement the process, working with governments to adapt to their needs. As well, provides cuting-edge asignment algorithms to ensure non-strategic applications and equitable results, that leverage best practices in market design. Finally, generates dashboards and analytics to monitor school application and assignment.

Smart Matching Platforms

School Assignment Algorithm

CCAS Project

Personalized Feedback and Communication for decision-making

Empower families, students and citizens with personalized assistance, feedback and easy to digest data to make better decisions. Feedback attack the informational gaps that generate poor decision-making, that affects specially the less resourced citizens.

Feedback can come in the form of alerts, message nudges (throught WhatsApp and email), reccomendation reports or even a digital program in an App. We have focused on the education field, but are working to expand this same solution to other social impact topics.

Alerts in admission processes

Feedback reports in school admissions

Feedback reports in college admissions

Feedback reports in teacher assignment

DFM — Decidiendo un Futuro Mejor

Platforms that ease access to information

Streamline the processing of official information and decentralized data related to available benefits, programs, or educational institutions. We consolidate this data into a user-friendly, intuitive format, easing access to the information individuals need for making well-informed decisions in critical areas that can have a long-run impact.

Our focus is on assisting individuals with limited resources discover their best options. By addressing the socioeconomic disparity in access to information, our platforms contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty.


Higher Education Explorers

Virtual School Explorer

HigherEd Chatbots

We have developed an AI-assisted search bot to help students choose their college majors. Our virtual counselor for higher education admissions is a chatbot that tailors information based on a student's data and preferences. We offer robust chatbots through WhatsApp, providing personalized recommendations and reducing search costs for students seeking higher education programs. This, in turn, empowers students to better plan their future, especially those with limited financial resources.

Our chatbots deliver essential information about programs, career prospects, and financial options. They utilize advanced generative AI technology to understand students' responses and gather data from decentralized sources, such as university websites. Additionally, we connect with students through WhatsApp, a platform known for its high user adoption and user-friendliness, ensuring effective engagement with our solutions.

IcfesBot in Colombia

OSObot in Bogotá

Chatbot Acceso in Chile


We specialize in providing consultancy services for the establishment of centralized admission systems in K-12 education as well as at the college level. ConsiliumBots draws upon its extensive experience in designing and implementing projects in diverse educational settings. Our CEO, Christopher Neilson, brings a wealth of expertise in educational markets and market design, with a proven track record of assisting countries worldwide in implementing centralized admissions systems, information provision systems, and other education policies.

The process of designing, implementing, and monitoring a centralized admission, and equipping students and families with the right tools to explore educational alternatives and financing options, is highly complex. To successfully deploy these services, policymakers and governments need to understand the most effective theoretical models, logistical and communication factors at play, and the practical experiences of other cities or countries. The ConsiliumBots team has collaborated closely with governments and local authorities in various centralized application systems, advocating for the adoption of best practices and facilitating the transfer and accumulation of knowledge across different scenarios.

Rwanda Education Board

Stages of project development in ConsiliumBots.

At the beginning, ConsiliumBots focused on developing AI bots to help families gain access to education, especially by promoting centralized school admission systems. Today, we are leveraging our experience in education to accelerate the development of tools that can impact other areas, such as housing, healthcare, and other essential services. To do this, we defined 3 stages in the project development process.



Test new ideas and generate evidence of their performance. Ideas usually arise from research projects of our research affiliates.



Test at scale after a successful pilot project. A team for the project is formed to gain autonomy, innovate and implement the project in new places. (otro parrafo) Generate and gather evidence of the project's impact to apply for greater scale funding.



Preparation for spin-off with a sustainable business model. The project has incorporated the learnings from pilots and has a robust impact model.

Tether Education, the first successful spin-off of ConsiliumBots, is currently developing these products to test a sustainable business model for Smart Matching Platforms.